Kristin Meier
I am a Norman native, married to my husband of 13 years, Scott Meier. We have a baby girl that has redefined our lives since May 2016. I am an admitted nerd who loves numbers, puzzles and reading, but I love playing and watching sports too! Health and fitness are key priorities in my life. Pilates, weightlifting, running, softball - I enjoy them all.
My husband, a transplant from the Pacific Northwest, has served as the Director of Student Ministries at McFarlin Memorial UMC in Norman since 1993. The church is certainly our second home. While we love visiting the northwest (the cover photo on the site is from a home we toured in Portland), Norman has our heart. We are dedicated to this community and want to help those who live here.
Loan Officer

Citywide Mortgage is a residential mortgage company located in central Oklahoma. It was originally established by a homebuilder who grew tired of closings always being delayed, both for their company, but more importantly for their customers. The process of obtaining a mortgage, whether it's to purchase a home or refinance, is often a stressful one. The Citywide staff seeks to reduce customer anxiety by focusing on communication - we want you to know where your file stands so that you can trust that it is moving forward on schedule. The CWM team's goal is to provide customers with a smooth and efficient loan origination process that culminates with an on-time closing.